Main Research Aim The main research objective of NITRIC is to investigate the range and the mechanism of inhibition of EQ and its oxidation derivatives, QI and EQNL, in soil microorganisms participating in the modular or in the non-modular nitrification process (AOM, NOB, and Comammox). This will be achieved through in vitro and in soil tests and always in comparison with currently used nitrification inhibitors.
Scientific and Technological Aims (1) In vitro identification of the inhibitory mechanism and threshold concentrations of EQ and its oxidation derivatives, QI and ΕQNL, acting individually or synergistically, on ammonia-oxidizers. (2) Exploration of the impact of EQ and its oxidation derivatives, QI and ΕQNL, on the abundance, functional activity, and diversity of ammonia-oxidizers in soil. (3) Exploration of the impact of EQ and its oxidation derivatives, QI and ΕQNL, on the dynamics of interrelated microbial groups modulating downstream microbial processes in N cycling (ΝΟΒ and denitrifying bacteria).