Dr. Evangelia Papadopoulou (Principal Investigator, PI). She has a first degree in Agriculture and an MSc in Crop Protection from the School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). She was awarded her PhD on soil microbiology and pesticides science, working jointly in the Laboratory of Pesticide Science, AUTH, and in the Laboratory of Plant in Environmental Biotechnology (LPEB), University of Thessaly (UTH) in December 2013. Since 2013 Evangelia has worked on different EU-funded (MSCA-IAPP-FP7), national funded projects (BIOREMEDIATOMICS - ARISTEIA II) and Industrial projects. She has 20 publications in peer reviewed journals (h-index: 9, citations: 227) and 31 publications in proceedings of national and international conferences. |
Dr. Athanasia Katsoula (Postdoc Fellow, PF).She has a BSc degree of the Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment, School of Agricultural Sciences (AGR), University of Thessaly (UTH), and a MSc in Biotechnology-Nutrition and Environment, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (DBB) of UTH. She was awarded her PhD on Environmental Microbiology (Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, UTH) in 2020. She has 3 publications in Peer Review journals (Citations 10, h-index 1) and 10 publications in proceedings of national and international conferences.
Mrs. Eleftheria Bachtsevani (Research Technician). She has a diploma in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, from the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (DBB), School of Life Sciences, University of Thessaly. The title of her thesis was: “In vitro study on the effect of the metabolic products of the antioxidant ethoxyquin (EQ) on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria”. At the moment she is doing her master on Biotechnology – Nutrition & Environment at DBB. She has 2 publications in proceedings of national and international conferences. |
Dr Dimitrios Karpouzas (Head of the Hosting Group), is a Prof. in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology and Director of the LPEB (DBB, UTH). He has expertise in environmental and soil microbiology with focus on the interaction of pesticides with soil microbes. He has authored 102 articles in peer-reviewed journals (Citation 1600, h-index 24) and coordinated several research and training projects: (1) EMIGRATE (Exploring microbial networking in pesticides biodegradation: novel inocula and biocatalysts for biodepuration of agro-industrial effluents), H2020-MSCA-IF, 2017–2019, (2) BIOREMEDIATOMICS (The microbial detoxification of pesticides from the fruit-packaging industry: using omics in bioremediation), ARISTEIA II call, 2014-2015, (3) LOVE-TO-HATE (Pesticides – Felicity or curse for the soil microbes), FP7-MSCA-IAPP, 2013–2016 (4) ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV (Development and implementation of innovative tools to estimate the ecotoxicological impact of low dose pesticide application in agriculture on soil functional microbial diversity), SEE.ERAnet, 2010-2012. | |
Dr. Laurent Philippot (External Advisory Board member, EAB) is a Director of Research at INRA, Dijon, France. He has 15-year experience in molecular biology and ecology of N cycling microbes in soil ecosystems. He has published 124 articles in peer-review journals (Citations: 5200, h-index: 41). Partner in relevant projects (1) NORA FP7-MSCA-ITN, 2013-2016 (2) ECOFINDERS (Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils), FP7-Collaborative Project, 2011-2014. |
Prof. Graeme Nicol (EAB member) is a Director of Research in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and member of the EMG group of Ecole Centrale de Lyon. He has published 52 articles in peer reviewed journals (Citations: > 5161; h-index 31). He is a leading expert in studying the diversity, growth and activity of microbes involved in transforming reactive nitrogen. Partner in relevant projects (1) NORA (Nitrous oxide research alliance), MSCA-FP7-ITN, 2013-16, (2) PALSE project, France, Understanding microbial networks driving N cycling in soil, 2015-17 (3) NERC, UK, Soil ammonia oxidizers: an embarrassment of richness, 2014-17. |
Prof. Urania Menkissoglu-Spriroudi (Member of EAB) is the head of the Lab. of Pesticide Science, AUTH. She has expertise in organic chemistry with focus on the development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of organic pollutants in environmental and agricultural samples. She has published 60 articles in peer reviewed journals (Citations >1000, h-index 18). |
Dr. Constantinos Ehaliotis (Member of EAB) is an Associate Prof. in Soil Biology and Fertility, Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) (Greece). His main research focus is on the role of soil microorganisms in soil fertility. He has published 46 papers in peer reviewed journals (Citations 950, h-index 20). |
Dr. Sotirios Vasileiadis (member of the hosting group) is a Marie-Curie Post-doctoral fellow at the LPEB, DBB, UTH. He has expertise in bioinformatics and soil microbial ecology. He has authored 26 articles in peer-reviewed journals (Citation 388, h-index: 12). |
Dr. Myrto Tsiknia (Member of PRG) is a Postdoc fellow at the AUA with expertise in soil microbial ecology in N cycling and bioinformatics. She has authored 7 articles in peer reviewed journals (Citation 37, h-index 4). |